Photo: Etienne Frossard
Storytelling through Dance
Bharathanatyam is a 5000 year old classical dance tradition from the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It uses hasta kala (hand gestures), Bhav (expressions) and rhythmic footwork to tell a story. Bharathanatyam means
Bha = Bhav (Expressions)
Ra = Raga (Melody)
Tha = Thalam (Rhythm)
Natyam = Dance
The dance is accompanied by Carnatic music ensemble consisting of singer, melody instruments flute and violin and rhythmic instruments mridangam drum and nattuvangam (finger cymbals),
Explore this beautiful, complex and centuries old dance tradition that is still vibrant!
One-on-One and Group classes and workshops
Pre-K to 12 - NYC School Residencies (address NYC Blueprint Standards)
Great for dancers of all ages and abilities
Culture exploration thorugh dance participation.
Vishaarad Degree Course in Bharathanatyam available thorough affiliated Bharathanatyam School in India.
Dance Residency at various NYC Public Schools, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council.
We learned a lot about India. We choreographed our own dance and we had fun doing it.
- 3rd grade Student, NYC Public School Dance Residency

- 3rd grade Student, NYC Public School Dance Residency