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Preserving Dance, Rhythms and Cultural Traditions through sharing.

|| Om Ganpatay Namah ||
Prayer to Lord Ganesh, prior to starting Bharathanatyam performance. BAC Folk Feet, 2009 Photo: Etienne Frossard

Ganesh stuti
Bharathanatyam performance. BAC Folk Feet 2009. Photo: Etinenne Frossard

Garbaa Folk dance
Garbaa folk dance performance. BAC Folk Feet - South Asian Wedding Celebrations 2015 Photo: Chis Mule

|| Om Ganpatay Namah ||
Prayer to Lord Ganesh, prior to starting Bharathanatyam performance. BAC Folk Feet, 2009 Photo: Etienne Frossard
The dance arts, cultural traditions and ceremonies of my Hindu tradition and India have played an important part in my upbringing and are integral part of my being. Its memories are part of my identity and inspire my art making. - Aeilushi Mistry
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